Tresys – XD Bridge
Tresys Technology delivers effective, secure, state-of-the-art solutions to continually changing cybersecurity threats. We have unparalleled expertise in high assurance architectures for enterprise and mobile computing, protecting access, transfer, and storage of our customer’s information assets. Tresys clients include critical infrastructure, mobile solution providers, military, and civilian government agencies worldwide. Tresys’ certified and accredited products protect information and ensure that the appropriate data gets to the correct location in a timely and secure manner.
XD Bridge
The Tresys XD Bridge Cross Domain Solution (CDS) offers a novel approach to solving Cross Domain information transfer problems that delivers unmatched flexibility, low cost, and high performance. The unique XD Bridge architecture enables a single platform to support a wide range of CDS transfer and access applications, including the rapid development of custom filtering components. The result is a CDS that directly addresses edge-of-network or program-specific data transfer requirements.