Delivering the modern platform for machine learning and analytics optimized for the cloud.

See how Cloudera is enabling the science of data to do amazing things

Protect Business


Connect Business (IoT)


Grow Business



Cloudera was founded by some of the original engineers from the Hadoop team at Yahoo! and some others went to form Hortonworks. Both Cloudera and Hortonworks were driven by open source, open standards, and transparency. Today, Cloudera has offices around the globe and is headquartered in Silicon Valley, California.

Cloudera and Hortonworks have joined together the result of a merger, bringing the best minds, platforms, and technologies under one roof. Unlock the power of any data, running in any cloud, from the Edge to AI, on a 100 percent open-source platform with an enterprise data cloud thatā€™s multi-cloud and hybrid cloud, with the flexibility to perform machine learning and analytics with your data, your way, with no lock-in.


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Unlock the power to

Protect Business

As your business continues to become hyper-connected and digitally transformed, enterprise risk continues to increase. From cyber threats, to fraud, to ever-changing compliance regulations, you need to increase visibility and unlock the power of machine learning and advanced analytics to make lower enterprise risk.



Risk Modeling & Analysis


Financial Crime Prevention




Connect Business

With more than 30 billion things connected to the Internet, IoT presents a significant challenge for enterprises to effectively ingest, process, manage, store, and drive insights from all the data generated by connected devices and assets. This is where Cloudera excels. Cloudera provides the right tools and solutions you need to drive insights and value from all the data that IoT generates.

End-to-end open architecture for IoT with Cloudera and Red Hat

End-to-end open architecture for IoT with Cloudera and Red Hat

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Grow Business

By leveraging all available data across enterprise systems and multiple online touchpoints, you can generate a comprehensive view of customers that can strategically drive business growth This unified approach helps you better understand customers, which strengthens personalized/relevancy marketing, reduces customer churn, better manages the customer experience, and improves marketing automation.