AD240 -  Build and Administer APIs with Red Hat 3scale API Management Classroom Training

Build and Administer APIs with Red Hat 3scale API Management Classroom Training



MSRP:  $2,423.00$2,850.00

Introduction to building and managing APIs using standard practices with Red Hat 3scale API Management

Build and Administer APIs with Red Hat 3scale API Management (AD240) is a hands-on, lab-based course that gives developers and administrators an introduction to managing APIs with our technology. Red Hat® 3scale API Management enables developers and administrators to monetize, manage, and document APIs.

This course is based on Red Hat 3scale API Management 2.4.

API management capabilities are becoming increasingly important as companies begin to use application programming interfaces to provide direct programmable access to their services, data, and processes. In this course, you will explore the features of Red Hat 3scale API Management and learn to create and manage a developer portal with these features:

  • End-user signup flows
  • ActiveDocs documentation
  • Custom workflows
  • Rate limits
  • SOAP and ODATA web services

Through your understanding of these features and others, you will find out how 3scale API Management plays a critical role in digital transformation and agile integration practices.

Course content summary

  • Understand 3scale API Management architecture and primary features.
  • Learn typical API use cases and strategies.
  • Investigate 3scale API Management deployment options.
  • Establish and configure subscription plans.
  • Configure and test API management integration.
  • Configure a developer portal.
  • Set up Red Hat SSO integration.

Audience for this course

  • API developers interested in using 3scale API Management for API billing and enabling security and access control features
  • System architects and administrators who want to create a portal for monetizing their APIs

Prerequisites for this course

  • Familiarity with APIs and testing APIs
  • Familiarity with containers and Red Hat® OpenShift is helpful, but not required

Outline for this course

  • 3scale API Management solution overview
  • API strategies
  • Architecture and deployment options
  • OpenShift architecture and concepts
  • Basic API management configuration
  • Set up developer portal
  • Set up Red Hat SSO integration
  • Set up API billing
  • Define webhooks
  • 3scale Platform REST API
Note: Course outline is subject to change with technology advances and as the nature of the underlying job evolves. For questions or confirmation on a specific objective or topic, contact one of our Red Hatters.

Impact on the organization

APIs have been driven to the forefront of software development through digital transformation, microservice architectures, and agile development practices. Forrester estimates that 40% of U.S. companies will have API management solutions by 2020. Platforms like Red Hat 3scale API Management allow organizations to easily increase customer value with APIs. This course develops the skills needed to produce secure, scalable, and reliable APIs that are managed by 3scale API Management.

Red Hat has created this course in a way intended to benefit our customers, but each company and infrastructure is unique, and actual results or benefits may vary.

Impact on the individual

As a result of attending this course, you will understand the architecture and features of 3scale API Management and will be able to demonstrate these skills:

  • Create, manage, and monetize APIs.
  • Establish and configure API subscription plans.
  • Configure and test API management integration.
  • Configure rate limits for APIs.