Container Intelligence Platform


Sysdig is the first container intelligence platform that unifies Docker monitoring, container security, and forensics with native Kubernetes and Prometheus integration. Use Sysdig Monitor, the most powerful Docker monitoring solution for alerting + troubleshooting with intelligent Kubernetes, Mesos, and Swarm integration. Ensure container-level deep security with Sysdig Secure 2.0 for container security, compliance, and forensics.


SysDig Monitor – The most powerful Docker monitoring solution

SysDig Secure – Identify, block, and analyze unauthorized activity and vulnerabilities anywhere in your system

Prometheus Support – Enterprise services for open source Prometheus monitoring

SysDig & Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

SysDig and Red Hat OpenShift Product Brief

Featured Resources

Case Study: How Six of the World’s Largest Companies are using Kubernetes and Sysdig – Read about what some of the largest companies in the world are doing with Docker, Kubernetes, Sysdig Monitor and Sysdig Secure. The most common uses cases and business impact.

2018 Docker Usage Report – Based on a sample of 90,000 containers in real-world customer deployments, the results of this year’s study reveal how enterprise container usage has changed in the last 12-months.

Best Practices for Running Containers in ProductionGartner Report. Read this for insight into the decisions you need to make to ensure a successful implementation of containers in production – from planning to execution.